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Read on for the answers to the questions asked most frequently about Aerialink services.


How do I submit a support ticket?

To create a ticket, visit our Help Desk Portal.

Can I submit a support request by email?

We highly recommend initiating requests through the portal. However, support tickets can be initiated via email to However, keep in mind that the request will not be mapped to your organization or be searchable in “list view.”

What do I send for provisioning requests?

**Include the following for provisioning requests:

  • The list of relevant numbers in the body of your email when submitting provisioning requests and LOAs in addition to the attachment. If the list is very long, include a few numbers and say “full list is attached.” When looking up numbers in our ticketing system, it is much faster to search content in the body than it is to search attachments.**

Do requests initiated as “production issues” automatically get high priority?

No. At this time, all tickets submitted enter the same queue and it is up to the internal team to prioritize tickets in order of importance. You can adjust the urgency of a request within your organization by changing the urgency from the default (“Low”) when the request is submitted.

Can I reply to portal-initiated requests using my email and still have my replies logged in the ticket and visible in the portal?


When I reply to a ticket from my email, the “to” field only shows Will my teammates receive my reply?

Yes, so long as the organization and/or team members are chosen in the “Share with” portion of the request, and all responses are sent to the same email chain.

Yes - replying to a “Resolved” ticket will reopen the ticket.


What is A2P 10DLC?

10DLC is a carrier movement to register business messaging programs on ten-digit long code numbers.** While some carriers have addressed 10DLC with the addition of surcharges, others have implemented systems to vet brands and their associated campaigns for approved levels of monitoring and appropriate throughput allocations on their networks.

What is a “brand”?

In the context of 10DLC, the “brand” is the company or entity the end customer believes to be sending the message (i.e. the “content provider”).

For example, the end customer receives a promotion for “ABC Resorts,” so the brand is “ABC Resorts”. Brand registration is a pre-requisite to registering a messaging campaign. SMS Resellers will register multiple brands, typically one Brand registration for each of their downstream customers.

What is a “campaign”?

A 10DLC “campaign” is an implementation of a specific use case within a brand’s traffic. Campaign details include a description of the brand’s use of the messaging, the opt-in and opt-out process, available end-user support, sample messages and the codes associated with sending that specific use case. Note that all use case implementations must be registered as “campaigns” regardless of whether they are marketing-oriented. Brands can and should have separate campaigns for each messaging use case.

For example, a university may send tuition payment reminders from one long code, promote sporting events on another, while yet another supports professor-to-student chats.

Is 10DLC registration mandatory?

Yes. If a business or organization has a tax ID and wishes to send traffic on a ten-digit standard number, their traffic requires registration. This includes non-profits and governments including 501(c)(3) organizations, 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), 501(c)(6) organizations, other 501(c) non-profit designations and 527 organizations.

Traffic should be fully registered no later than March 1st, 2022. Additional fees apply to unregistered traffic effective March 1st, 2022, and it is expected that unregistered traffic will be blocked in the future on a date TBA.

Is 10DLC registration required for traffic running over toll-free numbers?

No. Toll-free numbers require a different type of registration called “Verified Sender.” This verification process also has a per-brand submission requirement. There are currently no associated registration fees for toll-free Verified Sender submissions.

Why is registration required for every brand and campaign?

Carriers want transparency and accountability for “who” is sending and “what” they are sending. Unregistered (e.g. unsanctioned) traffic is considered non-compliant.

Do I have to contract with the Campaign Registry to register traffic?

No. Aerialink customers can use our 10DLC Registration Portal which is integrated with the Campaign Registry. However, SMS providers do have the option of direct contracting with TCR for the purpose of handling the first step in registering traffic. If your business contracts directly TCR, then prior to sharing campaigns with Aerialink, be sure to send your CSP-ID to so we can automatically accept them.

What are the costs for 10DLC registration?

You can find the relevant fees here.

Can one number be used for multiple 10DLC campaigns?

No, a number can only belong to a single 10DLC campaign at a time. Numbers submitted with a given campaign are checked for association with any other campaigns - numbers found with multiple campaign associations return an error for the number’s status. However, a number can be removed from one campaign and reassigned to another.

Can I use multiple numbers for a single 10DLC campaign?

Yes, provided there is a legitimate need for multiple numbers. Note that “snowshoeing“ (the use of multiple numbers to distribute traffic load) is an invalid reason to add multiple numbers to a campaign. If you wish to increase throughput for your campaigns, we suggest applying for third-party vetting on your brand, or considering the use of a sender type with a higher throughput overall such as toll-free or a short code.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • permitted throughput is measured at the campaign level and shared across all numbers in the campaign
  • “Mixed” use cases can justify different use cases for different numbers, but will likely have lower throughput than if those same use cases were registered as individual, declared campaigns. Additionally, “Mixed” use cases incur slightly higher per-message fees.

How long does 10DLC brand registration take?

It takes up to fifteen (15) minutes to receive a Brand Identity status.

How long does 10DLC campaign registration take?

The initial review takes approximately one-to-three business days. Campaigns which are declined and require additional remediation steps can expect an additional one to three days.

How long will it take to receive results from external Brand vetting?

External vetting can take from one hour to seven days depending on various factors, including the information provided and the Brand’s tax ID country of origin. Brands which cannot be vetted are called “Unscored” and may take up to two days to determine vetting capability.

How long does it take to publish a long code for 10DLC?

Publishing long codes through the Aerialink 10DLC Registration Portal will complete within an hour of the associated campaign’s carrier status being ranked as “Approved.” A status of “Success” for both T-Mobile and AT&T confirms publishing is complete. Numbers published via support ticket are typically completed within twenty-four hours, but timeframes may vary.

Do I need to buy new numbers for 10DLC?

No, you can use your existing long codes for 10DLC registration.

What is my throughput on 10DLC numbers?

Your allotted throughput depends upon your message class or tier as assigned by AT&T and T-Mobile. More information is available here.

Is 10DLC applicable to Canada-bound long code traffic?

No, Canadian carriers have not adopted 10DLC service at this time. Note that this ultimately means that Canadian carriers may block any business traffic on long code as spam, regardless of whether it is sanctioned in the U.S.

How do I get started with 10DLC?

Talking to your Aerialink Account Director is a great place to start. We also recommend checking out our 10DLC registration article and 10DLC portal user guide.

HTTP (JSON and XML), SMPP (3.3 and 3.4), MM4 (SMTP), SMTP, FTP.

Although it is on our roadmap for the future, Aerialink does not currently offer bulk sends through our API.

Just fill out the form for a trial.
A sales rep will reach out to you.

Can I test out Aerialink’s Platform?

Yes, you can subscribe for a 14-day trial account to test SMS delivery.

Check out what our Platform can do for you here.
Are you already using the Platform and need some help? Don’t sweat it.

What if I want something your Platform doesn’t offer?

We love listening to customer needs and ideas.
Don’t be shy - existing customers can request a feature right in the Platform. Don’t have a Platform account but still curious about what we can do for you? Our sales team would be happy to hear from you.**

BYON (Text-Enabling)

No. Unfortuntaely, Google Voice numbers are a type of wireless number, which cannot be text enabled.

Is it a problem if the number’s currently in use?

Yes, however note that for numbers already running SMS through another provider, an LOA must be provided in order to text enable the number.

Why can I call my 11+-digit vanity toll-free (8XX) number, but not text it?

Voice network number translation matches numbers progressively while mobile messaging matches numbers exactly.
In other words, the actual “number” that we text is only that first ten digits (plus the country code!), and any additional digits entered will make the number unrecognizable to your mobile device.


Do all carriers follow the same requirements for message flow and content?

Their base requirements are the same, but additional expectations differ.
While all mobile programs must uphold the guidelines set out by the regulating body for their country (CTIA for the U.S., CWTA for Canada), carriers each have their own, additional set of expectations which must be fulfilled by mobile programs wishing to send to that carrier’s mobile subscribers.

Where can I view the CTIA requirements that all U.S. carriers follow?

Right here.

Aerialink has no self-generated, additional requirements for compliance.
Short code certification is subject not only to following the CTIA guidelines but to meeting carrier requirements which are applied in addition to what is recommended by the CTIA.

Compliance expectations vary not only by carrier, but by carrier employee.
Not only do carrier expectations change frequently and often go unpublished, they vary depending upon whose desk your program brief has landed on. It is very possible that your message flow was rejected based on either a new, unpublished requirement, or because the carrier-employed individual who reviewed your program brief has interpreted those requirements in manner differing from what Aerialink has encountered in the past.

International Messaging

Aerialink is connected to over 900+ carriers worldwide.
Choose a reach list based on your sender ID type and country to see the carriers that code can message.

When sending A2P traffic internationally, what “from” number or name will be displayed on a device receiving an SMS from my application?

This varies by country.
The displayed “from” address could be a fixed, Aerialink-leased long code, a short code or a customized alpha/alphanumeric (e.g., your company name). In some countries, the original sender ID may get overwritten by a local ID to avoid carrier blocking. Please enquire for specific country restrictions.

No - short codes are country-specific.
Message delivery from a U.S. short code is limited to U.S. destination numbers operating on U.S. carrier networks. Non-U.S. numbers will not receive messages sent from U.S. short codes. U.S. end-users with American handset devices and numbers roaming on international networks may be able to successfully receive messages from U.S. short codes, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Message Deliverability

Yes. Delivery receipts - referred to as DLR - provide visibility to the greatest level of delivery confirmation in countries and with carriers who support DLR. For more information, check out the full article on Carrier Delivery Receipts as well as details about other types of message status acknowledgement.

Can SMS be used to send emergency notifications?

Yes. However, due to some limitations inherent in the design of SMS, we recommend also incorporating other channels and methods into your outbound notification to get as near as possible to 100% coverage in case of emergencies. Note that carriers maintain a disclaimer stating that they are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages. SMS service reliability is described as “best effort” equivalent. Additionally, SMS lacks the ability to prioritize emergency messages. This means that your important message could be queued behind millions of other messages being processed at any given moment. Furthermore, SMS is not a real-time communications service, but rather utilizes “store-and-forward” technology, thereby potentially causing delays in delivery. Lastly, note that SMS was not designed with security mechanisms (although though this may not be relevant for all applications).

If you are interested in SMS service tailored toward emergency messages, we recommend learning about the Message Broadcast notification platform, which serves the largest utility companies in the country during critical outage incidents. The Message Broadcast platform provides multi-point redundancy within geographically dispersed data centers to ensure five-nines reliability. They provide continuity across SMS/MMS (via short code), RCS, push, email and voice channels to offer the best possible coverage for emergency notifications.

Messaging Fees

Are end-users charged for messages sent to +1 “toll-free” numbers?

While voice calls to “toll-free” (8XX) numbers are free to the caller, end-users sending text messages to 1-8XX numbers will be charged according to their mobile plan. Subscribers who pay monthly for unlimited two-way SMS will not be charged extra for texting a toll-free number, but subscribers with prepaid plans may be charged per text to send and to receive.

Number Leasing & Porting

How do I get a number?

Aerialink is a number sponsor which allows you to lease a number in a matter of minutes.
Dedicated short code numbers require registration with the Common Short Code Association (CSCA) and cross-carrier certification with all wireless carriers. Aerialink will guide you through the steps regardless of what type of number you need.

How long does it take to activate long-code numbers?

It’s instantaneous via our Platform or our API.
If you desire special ranges, let us know. We can generally activate these within one-to-three days if they are available.


Yes, provided that porting is supported for the long code, which is true of most (but not all) cases.

My long code is getting telemarketing calls. Can you put it on a “do not call” list?

The business that leases the numbers manages this aspect.
This is similar to leasing numbers from a telephone or VOIP carrier/service provider for your voice lines.

Short Code Migration

When does carrier migration actually happen?

The time of migration varies by carrier.

Do I need to schedule my migration?

No. Most carriers migrate at their own rate and require no formal migration date. Aerialink will notify you of when your carriers have migrated.

Do carriers migrate in a standard order?

There is no standard order by which the carriers migrate.
Each one will review, approve and migrate your code at their leisure.

How long does it take for a carrier to start and complete the migration process?

The length of migration varies primarily on how busy the carrier is.
Once your program brief is submitted to the carriers, it is up to each carrier to review and approve your short code. If their compliance and certification teams are very busy, it may take longer to review and approve your code.

Do Tier 1 carriers migrate first?

Migration time varies for carriers regardless of tier.
Tier 1 carriers may take longer to approve and migrate a short code due to the fact that they have more programs to review at a single time. However, if they are not busy, Tier 1 carriers can migrate just as quickly as any others. Aerialink has seen Tier 1 carriers migrate first, last and everywhere in between.

How will I know that a carrier has migrated?

Aerialink will provide regular status updates throughout the migration process.
When a carrier has migrated your code, Aerialink will notify you via email.

Will MO’s and MT’s be switched at the same time?

Traffic will switch prior to carrier migration for MO’s; after migration for MT’s.
MT’s will continue to go through your old aggregator until migration is complete.

Aerialink can provide you with a temporary long-code number.
The temporary 10DLC number may be used for traffic or testing while migration is occurring.

When can I start testing?

Aerialink will confirm when each carrier has migrated and is ready to be tested.
Aerialink will proactively test your code on Tier 1 carriers in addition to your own testing.