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A2P 10DLC Fees & Surcharges

The table below details the fees associated with running A2P 10DLC traffic, including both carrier fees and fees from The Campaign Registry (TCR), the organization which manages brand and campaign authorization and vetting for multiple U.S. Mobile Network Operators. Please see our documentation regarding the 10DLC registration process here.

Note that all following fees are passed through by Aerialink in the billing cycle following the time the fee is incurred. If the fee is due to non-compliance, details will be provided.

Updated 7/15/2022

Fee TypeServiceDescriptionPass-Through FeeFee FrequencyEffective
TCRCSP RegistrationA standard setup fees for CSPs.$200One Time2/1/2021
TCRBrand Registration / Re-vetA passthrough fee with no additional costs. Brand registration is required prior to campaign registration.$4 per brandOne Time2/1/2021
TCRBrand Registration AppealResubmission with additional information.$10 per brandOne Time8/2023
TCRPolitical Brand VettingSpecialized vetting for political brands with email or standard PIN delivery. One-time, non-refundable vetting fee for successful vets. For unscored unsuccessful vets, this fee will be reduced to $22.$64 per brandvalid for 12 months78/2023
TCRExpress Political Brand VettingPriority, expedited vetting for political brands with express mail PIN delivery. One-time, non-refundable vetting fee for successful vets. For unscored unsuccessful vets, this fee will be reduced to $22.$91.95 per brandvalid for 12 months78/2023
TCRPolitical Brand Vetting - Campaign VerifySpecialized vetting for political brands including Campaign Verify token.$95 per brandvalid for 12 months8/2023
TCRStandard External Brand Vetting2 (Optional)A more detailed review of the Brand by Aegis Mobile or WMC with a focus on its reputation in the messaging space. External brand vetting may be required for Special Campaign Types for selected carriers. One-time, non-refundable vetting fee for successful vets. For unscored unsuccessful vets, this fee will be reduced to $5.$40 per requestOne Time6At Submission
TCRExternal Brand Vetting Appeal2 (Optional)Resubmissions for external brand vetting with additional information.$10 per requestOne TimeAt Submission
TCREnhanced External Brand Vetting2 (Optional)Manual vetting performed by a human which takes approximately two-to-three days.$95 per request5One Time7At Submission
TCRStandard Campaign RegistrationApplies to all standard use cases, as well as “special” use cases not listed below with an distinct and separate fee. Approved campaigns are provided unique campaign IDs which identify the campaign across the 10DLC messaging ecosystem. Rejected campaigns will be charged the $30 quarterly fee one time at submission. $10 per campaignMonthly12/1/2021
TCRPolitical Campaign RegistrationApproved campaigns will be provided unique campaign IDs which identify the campaign across the 10DLC messaging ecosystem. Rejected campaigns will be charged the $30 fee for the first quarter one time at submission. $10 per campaignMonthly12/1/2021
TCRCharity Campaign RegistrationApproved campaigns will be provided unique campaign IDs which identify the campaign across the 10DLC messaging ecosystem. Rejected campaigns will be charged the $15 fee for the first quarter one time at submission. $3 per campaignMonthly12/1/2021
TCREmergency Campaign RegistrationApproved campaigns will be provided unique campaign IDs which identify the campaign across the 10DLC messaging ecosystem. Rejected campaigns will be charged the $15 fee for the first quarter one time at submission. $5 per campaignMonthly12/1/2021
TCRLow-Volume Campaign RegistrationLow-volume campaigns (e.g. dental office messages) incur an outbound message surcharge at the highest side of the AT&T fees with limited throughput. Rejected campaigns will be charged the $6 fee for the first quarter one time at submission.$1.50 per campaignMonthly12/1/2021
TCRSpecial Agents & Franchises Campaign RegistrationExternal brand vetting may be required for Special Campaign Types for selected carriers. See below. $30 per CampaignMonthly3/1/2021
TCRSpecial Emergency Campaign RegistrationExternal brand vetting may be required for Special Campaign Types for selected carriers. See below. $5 per CampaignMonthly10/1/2021
10DLC HubManual Campaign ReviewManual vetting of 10DLC campaigns by the 10DLC Hub prior to submission to TCR.$15 per submission/resubmissionOne-Time10/1/2022
Number Registry10DLC Number RegistrationA fee applied to all numbers intending to send A2P 10DLC traffic.$0.02 per numberMonthly12/1/2023
AT&TRegistered Traffic SurchargeFor outbound messages to AT&T subscribers, this discounted surcharge applied to all traffic during AT&T’s grace period (ending Feb 28, 2022) will continue to apply to registered campaigns beginning March 1, 2022. All traffic should be registered with TCR by March 1.3$0.003 per SMS
$0.005 per MMS
Per Outbound Message410/1/2023
AT&TUnregistered Outbound Message SurchargeApplied to messages toward AT&T subscribers from unregistered senders’ traffic post-grace period. $0.01 per SMS
$0.015 per MMS
Per Outbound Message46/1/2023
T-MobileNNID RegistrationApplies only to a small set of customers with a dedicated NNID.$2,000 per NNID8One-Time10/1/2021
T-MobileSpecial Business ReviewCampaigns not fitting T-Mobile’s definition of a standard campaign may incur this fee. Qualifying campaigns utilize in excess of 200,000 outbound messages across the brand. Special forms must be submitted to T-Mobile.$5,000 per campaignOne-TimeTBA
T-MobileNumber Pool RequestQualifying campaigns utilize more than fifty sender numbers across a single campaign. Special forms must be submitted to T-Mobile.$2,000 per campaignOne-Time4/6/2022
T-MobileInbound/Outbound Migrated 10DLC Message SurchargeApplied to messages toward T-Mobile subscribers.$0.003 per SMS
$0.01 per MMS
Per Outbound Message46/1/2021
T-MobileInbound/Outbound Non-Migrated/Unregistered P2P Message SurchargeApplied to messages toward T-Mobile subscribers.6/1/24: 0.009 SMS, 0.018 MMS
8/1/24: 0.010 SMS, 0.019 MMS
10/1/24: 0.011 SMS, 0.020 MMS
12/1/24: 0.012 SMS, 0.021 MMS
Per Outbound Message412/1/2023
T-Mobile[Non-Compliance] 10DLC Evasion Non-Compliance FineApplied to programs found to use evasive techniques like snowshoeing, unauthorized number replacement and dynamic routing.$1,000Per Incident10/1/2021
T-Mobile[Non-Compliance] Unauthorized Text Enablement FineT-Mobile describes this fine as, “Applies if T-Mobile receives a complaint where you or your message sender text-enables a 10-digit NANP telephone number and sends messages prior to verification of message sender ownership and/or letter of authorization.”$10,000Per Incident10/1/2021
T-Mobile[Non-Compliance] Content Violation FineBeginning at the third notification of a content violation by a single content provider (and continued at any subsequent notification). Examples of content violations include SHAFT violations, any violations of the T-Mobile Code of Conduct, spam or phishing, or messaging which would qualify as a Severity 0 violation per the CTIA Short Code Messaging Handbook.$10,000Per Incident10/1/2021
T-Mobile[Non-Compliance] Sev-0 Violation: Tier 1Applied to Sev-0 violations designated as, “phishing, smishing, social engineering (e.g. manipulating individuals to reveal private information)”$2,000Per IncidentLive
T-Mobile[Non-Compliance] Sev-0 Violation: Tier 2Applied to Sev-0 violations designated as, “illegal content and content not legal federally and in all fifty (50) states (e.g. cannabis, marijuana, CBD, illegal prescriptions, solicitation)”$1,000Per IncidentLive
T-Mobile[Non-Compliance] Sev-0 Violation: Tier 3Applied to Sev-0 violations designated as, “SHAFT violations and other content prohibited in the T-Mobile Code of Conduct (Section 5)”$500Per IncidentLive
T-Mobile[Non-Compliance] Grey Route FineApplied to A2P messages routed as P2P messages after the launch of 10DLC. Note that failure to publish numbers as A2P traffic on T-Mobile’s 10DLC platform in accordance with T-Mobile’s established timelines constitutes Grey Route Non-Compliance, regardless of whether the campaign has been registered.$10Per Outbound Message4TBA
T-MobileCampaign Non-Use FeeApplied for each campaign which - during a sixty-day rolling period - does not have at least one number assigned to it.$250Per CampaignLive
U.S. Cellular10DLC Message SurchargeApplied to messages toward U.S. Cellular subscribers. $0.005 per SMS
$0.001 per MMS
Per Outbound Message4Live
Verizon10DLC Message SurchargeApplied to messages toward Verizon subscribers. $0.00305 per SMS
$0.0052 per MMS
Per Outbound Message4Live
VerizonRegistered 10DLC Message SurchargeApplied to messages toward Verizon subscribers from registered numbers. $0.00305 per SMS
$0.0052 per MMS
Per Outbound Message47/1/2023
VerizonUnregistered 10DLC Message SurchargeApplied to messages toward Verizon subscribers from unregistered numbers. $0.01005 per SMS
$0.0052 per MMS
Per Outbound Message47/1/2023

1 All campaign registration submissions have an initial three-month term commitment and shall automatically renew for successive one-month terms unless deactivated by user. Campaigns are billed monthly. Please note that campaigns deactivated within three (3) months of creation will still incur the full three-month charge. To ensure your campaign does not inadvertently expire, the auto-renew checkbox is enabled by default in the Aerialink Registration Application.
2 The result is 0-100 score that will place the Brand in one of available Carrier “trust” Tiers. Any Brand that does not apply for External Vetting will be subject to daily message and throughput restrictions, unless they are on the Russell 3000 index. External vetting may be required for Special Use Case Campaigns.
3 In order for traffic bound for AT&T to incur the “registered” surcharge, it must be associated with an AT&T-approved campaign and have all associated long code numbers published correctly with the Number Registry. Customers using our 10DLC portal can use the portal to add numbers to their campaign. When the code shows its status as “success,” traffic on that code toward AT&T will be considered “registered.”
4 Each message segment of a concatenated message counts as an individual message. The number of messages charged is equal to the number of message segments, not the number of whole messages composed.
5 The cost is $95 unless the brand has previously requested Standard and is upgrading to Enhanced, for which the cost will be the pricing difference of $55. This upgrade must occur within thirty (30) days of submitting for the Standard External Brand Vetting.
6Collected on behalf of Aegis Mobile or WMC
7Collected on behalf of Aegis Mobile
8Pertains only to qualified reseller customers whose Service Provider ID is vanity-hosted by Aerialink with the number registry.

Additional Notes:

  • Though brands and campaigns may be TCR-registered, brands must associate the dedicated long codes to their campaign so that they are properly migrated to the T-Mobile A2P platform. If this is not completed, your traffic will be classified as “non-migrated” and will remain on the T-Mobile P2P route. The P2P route is subject to additional filtering and will incur higher surcharge fees. After the effective date, A2P traffic which has not been migrated may also incur the Grey Route non-compliance fees mentioned above.
  • Aerialink does not guarantee that any MNO (in general or in particular) will approve or maintain approval of any campaign.
  • The fees in the above table are non-refundable irrespective of campaign approval, termination or suspension whether by the CSP, TCR or MNOs.
  • Any ten-digit long code with a country code of +1 delivering to U.S. carriers requires 10DLC registration.
  • A full list of all outbound carrier surcharges for +1 long codes can be found here.

Short Code Leasing Fees

Dedicated short codes in the US and Canada are administered through a central body in each country. These bodies require a monthly leasing fee which we pass through to the customer. Short Code delivery to US and Canada require two different leases and processes. Often times the same code is available from both administrations.

These fees are applied for the lease of a short code per allocated number. Other applicable fees such as setup, monthly hosting, and message rates may be obtained from Aerialink Sales. Codes are prepaid in 3, 6 or 12 month increments. Lease fees are applicable starting on the date of reservation of the short code and NOT the date on which the service commences. An application/form detailing your short code program and message flow is required to each country from which you lease. Aerialink will manage the filing and certification process for you, as well as provide the payment and renewals for the short code under the Aerialink account.

Contact your Aerialink Account Manager for more information about the fees and how they apply to you.

Note: Credit card fees may apply for volume orders.

United States

Short codes and services are subject to approval by U.S. carriers who individually approve each short code for its intended use. Average approval time for the full carrier certification of a short code SMS program is eight to twelve weeks, but can take longer. The certification time for MMS programs may vary. You will find more information about leasing U.S. short codes here.


Short codes and services are subject to approval by Canadian carriers who individually approve each short code for its intended use. Average approval time for the full carrier certification of a short code SMS program is roughly forty days. You will find more information about leasing Canadian short codes here

Note: Rates may vary based on the current CAD->USD exchange rate.*

+1 Long Code Registry Fee

An industry-wide monthly recurring registry fee of $0.02 USD per long code effective March 1, 2021 applies to all text-enabled numbers with a +1 country code. This fee includes the base registry fee of $.01 + the 10DLC A2P number fee of $.01. Carriers in the US consider all Aerialink traffic to be A2P.

Toll-Free (8XX) Registry Fee

An industry-wide monthly recurring registry fee of $0.02 USD per toll-free number effective March 1, 2022. This applies to all text-enabled numbers with a prefix of 800, 833, 844, 855, 866, 877, and 888.

Bandwidth Inc. Passthrough Fee

Effective January 1st, 2021 a Bandwidth passthrough fee of $0.50 per number, per month will be imposed when the following conditions apply:

  • Where the underlying carrier of the number is Bandwidth Inc.
  • Where the number was text-enabled by Aerialink from July 17th, 2020 onward.

Bandwidth numbers text-enabled by Aerialink prior to July 17th, 2020 are not subject to this passthrough fee.