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Platform Management Portal


Welcome to Aerialink Platform Management. You can log into the Aerialink Platform to edit any of the items mentioned in these articles here using the user name and password you used when you registered.

The articles on this page will assist you in utilizing the Aerialink platform by teaching you how to:

  • Change your password
  • Set your Time Zone
  • View your Codes
  • View API Documentation
  • Whitelist Server IP Addresses
  • Retrieve API Credentials
  • Specify our Host Address for API calls
  • Specify your Sender Address for API calls
  • Configure an End Point
  • Send SMS
  • Receive SMS
  • Submit Number Lookup requests
  • View Number Lookup responses


  • Credentials - Used to make API calls, you will have what is essentially a username and a passcode for each connection in your Aerialink Platform account.
  • Key/Secret - your credentials for HTTP API calls.
  • System ID/Password - your credentials for SMPP API calls.

Account Structure

Account Creation

Customer Signup

Follow the steps below to provision a new customer account:

  1. Complete the sign-up form on behalf of your customer contact who will be the Admin of the account. (Make note of the temporary password so that you can provide to customer once the account is provisioned.)
  2. Send provisioning details to our Help Desk Portal (CC your Aerialink account manager)

Keep in mind that all info provided should be applicable to your customer as follows:

  • Company Name
  • Account Type (paid subscription or 14-day trial?)
  • Codes/Numbers Type (If TEXT-enabling is desired, fill out the LOA in the portal)
  • Codes/Numbers Assignment
  • Codes/Numbers Quantity
  • Service (SMS only or SMS & MMS?)
  • Coverage (US-only or international?)
  • Surcharge Destination Enablement (Desired or no?)
  • Connection/Application (API, SMPP, Conversations)
  • Whitelist IP Server Address (applicable for use of external applications with our API)
  • HTTP Endpoint URL (if applicable)
  • Use Case (a high-level description)
  • Special Instructions (such as special protocol support)

Account Setup

User Profile

Prior to using the Aerialink Platform you must access your user profile settings to alter your password and set your time zone.

To do this:

  1. Click the menu button below your name in the upper-right-hand corner.
  2. Access your user profile.
  3. Update your password so that it is unique to you.
  4. Set your current time zone.

Code Setup

The Codes page displays all codes and numbers for which you have purchased licenses. The code selected or specified in the Send Tool or in your API calls will be displayed as the “from” number that the mobile recipient sees on their phone.

Developer API Interfacing

Follow the steps below to interface your application with Aerialink’s Gateway. If you are not interfacing an external application you may skip these steps.

  1. Documentation: Consult the Aerialink API documentation for HTTP v4 or SMPP v3.4 to learn how to interface your application with Aerialink.
  2. Firewalls: Whitelist your intended server IP addresses.
  3. Credentials: Retrieve your API Key and Secret
  4. Resource Access: Under Hosts, specify one of the following in your API call:
  5. Source Number: Specify your assigned long code/number as the source value in the API call.

End Point (optional):

To receive inbound SMS, MMS or DLR, configure an inbound HTTP address:

  1. Go to Connections.
  2. Click “View Routes.”
  3. Under “Incoming Message Actions” select “Aerialink application,” “HTTP*“ or “SMPP.”

* For HTTP, we recommend a unique endpoint for inbound delivery receipts (DLR), SMS and MMS.

Note: A prerequisite to selecting an HTTP endpoint in the Inbound Routing Actions is establishing a URL endpoint here.


Some Aerialink customers have parent accounts with subaccounts managed by the parent account.

Switching Between Accounts and Subaccounts

To access a subaccount:

  1. Log in using a parent account username and password.
  2. Click the down arrow in the upper right corner next to the user’s name to expand the menu.
  3. Select “Switch User.”
  4. From the list of subaccount profiles, click the “Switch User” link to log into that subaccount.

To switch back to a parent account from a subaccount:

  1. Click the down arrow in the upper right corner next to the user’s name to expand the menu.
  2. Select “Switch Back.”


A connection is a global configuration for viewing and managing the behavior of codes and numbers. Messages sent to/from your account are each delivered over the connection designated to your mobile code or number. Connections are set up based on mobile data requirements.

Connection Attributes

  • Throughput Rate
  • Route Actions*
  • Enforced Opt-out (enable/disable)
  • Default Code (optional)
  • Assigned Codes/Numbers
  • Filters

*Specify inbound message and Delivery Receipt (DLR) URL forwarding endpoints (for HTTP), or URI for SMPP for API Messaging Resource, as well as Hosted Applications

Connection Relationships

  • The number of connections allotted to a single Aerialink account is unlimited (though most customers have one or two).
  • A single connection may have multiple codes/numbers assigned to it.
  • A single code/number may not be assigned to multiple connections.
  • Connection attributes are applied automatically to all codes/numbers assigned to that connection.
  • A connection may have multiple sets of credentials (API key and secret).

Additional Information

  • Throughput rate is based on your contract.
  • Number of binds allowed is based on your contract.
  • Number of whitelisted IPs/Subnets allowed is based on your contract.
  • Number of SMPP logins is unlimited - simply create more credentials as-needed.
  • Our connections use DNS name rather than IPs.

Connection Setup

Accounts with multiple connections may change which connection is associated with a code. This change can only be made for one code/number at a time within the Platform Management Portal portal. If you wish to change the connection designation for a large number of codes/numbers, please contact our Help Desk Portal to make this bulk change on your behalf.

To enable a connection to receive incoming messages:

  1. Go to Connections

  2. Select

  3. Associate a connection to an Application

  4. Choose the desired credentials for the connection.

  5. Go to Connections>View Route>Inbound Forwarding Actions.
  6. Click “HTTP.”*
  7. Select your URL endpoint. (Keep in mind you have to have a URL endpoint set up previously on the Endpoints page.)

*If you are using SMPP, select the SMPP button and it will show the system ID is active. If you are using one of our hosted applications, select the applications button and choose the associated application to receive the inbound messages.

To associate a number or code to a connection:

  1. Go to “Codes”
  2. Select the code whose connection designation you wish to change.
  3. Within the “Code Details” page, select the desired connection within the “link to Connection” field.
  4. Click “Update Code” to save the change.

Destination Number Format

If your connection’s Destination Number Format is set to “0” it’s considered “Friendly Format” which means that Aerialink will dynamically add a “1” to the beginning of the number if that number is ten digits in length. If the Destination Number Format is set to “1,” it’s in “International Format,” and Aerialink will not alter the number, expecting that the proper country code is included. This applies to Destination Numbers on MTs only.

Segmented Message Options

  • 0 - Pass through without changes
  • 1 - Truncate at 160 characters
  • 2 - Concatenate
  • 3 - Block messages over 160 characters

Any other value will pass the message through untouched.

Codes and Numbers

Ordering and Assigning Long Codes

To order long codes via the Platform Management Portal:

  1. Click “Codes & Numbers.”
  2. From the drop-down sub-menu, select “Order Long Codes.”
  3. You can locate desired long codes either by region/city or by NPA/NXX (the NPA is what is commonly known as an “area code”).
  4. Once you’ve ordered a code, don’t forget to select the desired connection to which you would like to assign the long code.
  5. If the connection you’ve selected allows MMS, you can choose to MMS-enable the numbers at the time you’re ordering them. To do this, simply check this checkbox before completing your order:
  6. Click “ASSIGN CODES”
  7. Note that it will take about fifteen minutes to fully provision the number(s) to your account.

If the NPA you desire is not available, don’t worry! We can backorder it for you. See the instructions for backordering here.

Changing Code Connection

To move a code from one connection to another:

  1. Click “Codes & Numbers,” to expand the menu, then choose “Current Codes.”
  2. From your list of current codes, choose the code whose connection you wish to change.
  3. On the Code Details page, look to the “Conection” section.
  4. Click the “Link to Connection” dropdown, and choose the new connection to which you would like the code assigned. Keep in mind that if the current connection is MMS-enabled and the new connection is not, the code will become disabled for MMS. Likewise, if the current connection is not MMS-enabled and the new one is, the box for “MMS Enabled” under the “MMS” section may not automatically be checkmarked. If you would like the code enabled for MMS, be sure to check the box.
  5. When finished, click “Update Code.” Your changes should be live within thirty minutes.

Setting Up Voice Forwarding

Please note that if your account is not enabled for voice forwarding, the following instructions will not be effective as the voice services portion of the portal will not appear. If you would like your account to be enabled for voice forwarding, please contact our Help Desk Portal.

To set up voice forwarding on a number:

  1. In the Aerialink platform, click “Codes & Numbers.”
  2. From the drop-down sub-menu, select “Current Codes.”
  3. From the list of codes that appears, either click the code directly, or enter the code in the “Alphanumeric Code” box on the right-hand side. This will search for your code. (Be sure to include the country code!)
  4. Once you’ve selected the code, the “Code Details” page should show a “Voice” section if your account is enabled for voice forwarding.
  5. Within that Voice section, you can choose what sort of forwarding you would like - to a phone number, a SIP address, or leave that number without any forwarding assigned.
  6. In the field below, enter the phone number or SIP address to which you would like the calls to forward.
  7. When you’re finished, be sure to click, “UPDATE CODE.”

MMS-Enable an Existing Number

You can see whether a number is enabled for MMS by clicking on the number details through Codes & Numbers > Current Codes.

The quick info box at the top of the Code Details page will show whether it is provisioned for MMS.

If MMS is not listed under “Services,” then the number needs to be MMS-enabled before sending MMS. To do this:

  1. Scroll down to the “MMS” section at the bottom of the Code Details page.
  2. Ensure the number is on a Connection which allows MMS. If it is not, you will see this:
  3. To change the connection, simply toggle connections in the Link to Connection dropdown above. When you have selected a Connection which allows MMS, you will see this:
  4. Make sure to check the checkbox!
  5. Click “UPDATE CODE.”
  6. Note that it will take about fifteen minutes for MMS to be fully provisioned to the code and live for use!

SMS Messages

Sending SMS

The Platform Management Portal offers two tools for sending SMS.

Send Tool

  1. Go to the Send Tool.
  2. Select your source code.
  3. Enter the destination mobile number.
  4. Submit.

API Console

  1. Go to API Console.
  2. Select your preferred methods, response schema and parameters.
  3. Submit .

Viewing Inbound SMS

To view inbound messages from the Activity Report:

  1. Select your filter criteria.
  2. Submit.

MMS Messages

Sending MMS

Easily test your MMS connections without an external application:

  1. Go to “Tools.”
  2. Select “Send Message.”
  3. Choose the desired source number for the message.
  4. Enter the destination number.
  5. Under “Message Type,” select either “Test MMS Image” or “Test MMS Video.”
  6. Add any text content you wish to accompany the MMS.

Activity Report


The following statuses are returned in the right-most column of the Activity Report.

Status NameDefinition
Successoutbound message transaction has been generated and successfully passed to carrier; inbound message successfully forwarded to endpoint
Pendinginbound message in process of being forwarded to endpoint
Failoutbound message did not reach carrier successfully; inbound message did not successfully forward to endpoint
Blockedoutbound message was blocked
Queuedoutbound message queued to be sent to carrier
Processingoutbound message is being processed before sending

Publicly Viewable Report

This a version of an activity report can be accessed via link which can be shared and accessed without requiring a login.

To create a Publicly Viewable Report link:

  1. Go to Tools > Activity Report.
  2. Under “TO/FROM NUMBER,” enter the desired number whose traffic you wish to report on.
  3. Enter the “START DATE/TIME” and “END DATE/TIME” to set the time range of the report.
  4. Click “FILTER.”
  5. A button labeled “PUBLICLY VIEWABLE REPORT” will appear in the upper-right corner of the screen, above the filter fields and below the user dropdown access.
  6. When clicked, that button will open the page for the report. The address of that page can then be shared.

Number Lookup

The Number Lookup resource allows users to learn which network operator currently serves a given telephone number; determine whether a mobile number is wireless or landline, valid or invalid; and view a number’s registered country. Number Lookup is a cost-effective method for improving improve delivery and troubleshooting message failure.

Submit Lookup

The Platform Management Portal offers three tools to submit a Number Lookup request.

Single-Number Lookup

This quick tool returns only the network operator.

  1. Go to Number Lookup.
  2. Enter the destination number.
  3. Submit.

Multiple Number Lookup

This tool runs a batch process from a file you upload and returns the complete set of data available.

  1. Go to Number Lookup.
  2. Click “Upload”.
  3. Select your desired file.
  4. Submit.

API Console Number Lookup

Using the API Console, you may request a full set of information for up to one hundred numbers at a time.

  1. Go to API Console.
  2. Select “Numbers” as the method.
  3. Select your preferred response schema and parameters.
  4. Submit.

View Lookup Response

The Number Lookup response may be viewed in the API console directly, but may also be accessed via the Activity Report.

Hosted Auto-Replies

To set up your HELP and STOP auto-responses on the Aerialink Platform:

  1. Log into the Aerialink Platform
  2. Under Tools, select “Hosted Auto-Replies.”

From here, you can enter default auto-replies which will apply globally to all connections and long codes in your account, or create exception auto-replies at either the Code or Connection levels to overwrite the default messages.

To compose exception messages:

  1. Click the “Add New” button located beneath either the Long Code or the Connection heading.

To edit existing messages:

  1. Click “Edit” beside the default messages or the desired long code or connection to which an exception message has already been attributed.

Note: Your message content must be modeled after the examples provided below each text entry box to satisfy carrier requirements.

Outbound and Inbound Blocks

Outbound Blocks

Outbound blocks prevent messages sent by you from leaving the Aerialink network, meaning that they do not reach the destination handset. These are usually requested by end-users who wish to opt out but seem unable to do so by conventional means.

To set up an Outbound Block:

  1. Log into the Aerialink Platform.
  2. Under Tools, select “Outbound Blocks.”
  4. Choose the “Block” Action.
  5. The Source Code should be your Aerialink number. You can choose it from a drop-down list of your numbers, or enter it manually in the Manual Source Code field. If you choose to enter it manually, the Source Code dropdown will automatically update to match the entry in Manual Source Code.
  6. For “Destination Number,” enter the number of the mobile end-user.
  7. Enter a Note if you like, then click “SAVE.”

Inbound Blocks

Inbound blocks prevent unwanted messages sent by end-users from reaching you on the Aerialink network. These are typically put in place to block SPAM.

To set up an Inbound Block:

  1. Log into the Aerialink Platform.
  2. Under Tools, select “Inbound Blocks.”
  4. Choose the “Block” Action.
  5. The Source Code should be the number of the mobile end-user whose messages you no longer wish to receive.
  6. The Destination Code is your Aerialink number. You can choose it from a drop-down list of your numbers, or enter it manually in the Manual Destination Code field. If you choose to enter it manually, the Destination Code dropdown will automatically update to match the entry in Manual Destination Code.
  7. Enter a Note if you like, then click “SAVE.”

Trial Accounts for Service Provider Prospects

This article is intended for service providers to request trial accounts for their prospective customers. The guide for prospective direct Aerialink customers can be found here.

Getting Started

Available Trial Account Number Types

Before requesting a prospect trial account as a service provider, there are some things you should know about the number types available to shared short codes:

  1. Trial customers can use a long code test number. This allows trial users to try the API or Conversations in live message testing.
  2. Trial customers cannot use our shared short code. There are strict compliance requirements for short codes that cannot be monitored at trial stage. Were a carrier to perform an audit and find unacceptable activity, that carrier could shut down the short code altogether, impacting all customers on that code. Trial accounts who move forward with paid subscriptions can request to use the shared short code. If their use case and content are approved, the shared short code can then be provisioned on their account.
  3. Trial customers cannot use local international numbers. As a general rule, we do not allow this due to cost of the numbers and lead time.

Trial Account Timelines

Aerialink offers direct prospects a fourteen-day trial with one hundred free messages/transactions which can be extended if needed on a case-by-case basis. As a service provider, you can offer the same trial timeline to your prospects, but the ultimate choice for the timeline is up to you. You will be billed for trial accounts as they are used (numbers, transactions, et cetera).

Requesting a Prospect Trial Account

Requesting a prospect trial account as a service provider is a two-step process:

Request a Registration Form

Contact our Help Desk Portal or reach out to your Account Manager to request a link to the Prospect Trial Account Registration Form. This form is for you, and not your prospect, to complete. Once you submit your request, our team will facilitate provisioning.

Gather Details

You will need to answer the following questions to ensure that your prospect trial account is set up correctly and completely:

  • Will they be using HTTP, SMPP or Conversations?
  • To where are they sending their messages?
  • What is their use case? (Marketing? Service? Covnersational?)
  • Based on the use-case and delivery destination, what number type will they be using? (Standard long code, TFN*, Alphanumeric SenderID)
  • Should the account be set up as a subaccount?

Additionally, if the prospect intends to use the API, you will also need:

  • IP Server Address to whitelist
  • URL endpoint for MO forwarding

*Note that the use of 8XX BYON may require additional setup time to text-enable.

The above information should be sent to our Help Desk Portal.

Do a Quick Test

Once our support team has confirmed that the account is set up, you will be able to perform a quick outbound/inbound message test to ensure that it is running as-expected. You can access your subaccounts by using the “Switch User” feature in the portal. Once you’ve switched accounts, use “Send a Message,” then verify the message activity in the Activity Report. In the event that this is a Conversations Trial, Service Provider users can set up trial instances for their prospects.