Search Results

SMPP Status Codes

API Version: SMPP 3.4

SMPP 3.4 Status Codes

Error Number in Hexadecimal Error Number in Decimal Error Name Error Description
0x000ESME_ROKNo Error
0x011ESME_RINVMSGLENMessage too long
0x022ESME_RINVCMDLENCommand length is invalid
0x033ESME_RINVCMDIDCommand ID is invalid or not supported
0x044ESME_RINVBNDSTSIncorrect bind status for given command
0x055ESME_RALYBNDAlready bound
0x066ESME_RINVPRTFLGInvalid Priority Flag
0x077ESME_RINVREGDLVFLGInvalid registered delivery flag
0x088ESME_RSYSERRSystem error
0x0A10ESME_RINVSRCADRInvalid source address
0x0B11ESME_RINVDSTADRInvalid destination address
0x0C12ESME_RINVMSGIDMessage ID is invalid
0x0D13ESME_RBINDFAILBind failed
0x0E14ESME_RINVPASWDInvalid password
0x0F15ESME_RINVSYSIDInvalid System ID
0x1117ESME_RCANCELFAILCanceling message failed
0x1319ESME_RREPLACEFAILMessage replacement failed
0x1420ESME_RMSSQFULMessage queue full
0x1521ESME_RINVSERTYPInvalid service type
0x3351ESME_RINVNUMDESTSInvalid number of destinations
0x3452ESME_RINVDLNAMEInvalid distribution list name
0x4064ESME_RINVDESTFLAGInvalid destination flag
0x4266ESME_RINVSUBREPInvalid submit with replace request
0x4367ESME_RINVESMCLASSInvalid esm class set
0x4468ESME_RCNTSUBDLInvalid submit to distribution list
0x4569SUBMIT_SM: MDN BLOCKEDBlocked sender or receiver on the platform (AT&T)
0x4872ESME_RINVSRCTONInvalid source address type of number ( TON )
0x4973ESME_RINVSRCNPIInvalid source address numbering plan ( NPI )
0x5080ESME_RINVDSTTONInvalid destination address type of number ( TON )
0x5181ESME_RINVDSTNPIInvalid destination address numbering plan ( NPI )
0x5383ESME_RINVSYSTYPInvalid system type
0x5484ESME_RINVREPFLAGInvalid replace_if_present flag
0x5585ESME_RINVNUMMSGSInvalid number of messages
0x5888ESME_RTHROTTLEDThrottling error
0x6197ESME_RINVSCHEDInvalid scheduled delivery time
0x6298ESME_RINVEXPIRYInvalid Validity Period value
0x6399ESME_RINVDFTMSGIDPredefined message not found
0x64100ESME_RX_T_APPNESME Receiver temporary error
0x65101ESME_RX_P_APPNESME Receiver permanent error
0x66102ESME_RX_R_APPNESME Receiver reject message error
0x67103ESME_RQUERYFAILMessage query request failed
0x68104SUBMIT_SM: SPAMSpam message detected/rejected (AT&T)
0x69105SUBMIT_SM: MAX LIMITSSending limit reached (AT&T)
0x6A106SUBMIT_SM: INVALID TAG DATAMessage has invalid tagging data (AT&T)
0x6B107SUBMIT_SM: NON-COMPLIANTNon-compliant URL or other non-compliance issue (AT&T)
0xC0192ESME_RINVTLVSTREAMError in the optional part of the PDU body
0xC2194ESME_RINVTLVLENInvalid parameter length
0xC3195ESME_RMISSINGTLVExpected TLV missing
0xC4196ESME_RINVTLVVALInvalid TLV value
0xFE254ESME_RDELIVERYFAILURETransaction delivery failure
0xFF255ESME_RUNKNOWNERRUnknown error
0x100256ESME_RSERTYPUNAUTHESME not authorized to use specified servicetype
0x101257ESME_RPROHIBITEDESME prohibited from using specified operation
0x102258ESME_RSERTYPUNAVAILSpecified servicetype is unavailable
0x103259ESME_RSERTYPDENIEDSpecified servicetype is denied
0x104260ESME_RINVDCSInvalid data coding scheme
0x105261ESME_RINVSRCADDRSUBUNITInvalid source address subunit
0x106262ESME_RINVSTDADDRSUBUNIRInvalid destination address subunit
0x1283503REJECTDAT&T 10DLC Response: campaign not yet deployed to number registry (NetNumber)
0x1284504REJECTDOSR Rule Exists, message failed, ENUM value added fields not present or invalid.
0x26499801QUOTA EXCEEDED ERRORContent provider service quota has been exhausted (T-Mobile SDG Platform)
0x264A9802QUOTA ERROR EXCEPTIONECE quota API return error code (T-Mobile SDG Platform)
0x26539811CALL SDG propertyAccess API AND ECE RETURN ERROR OR DATA IS INVALIDUnexpected network or system error (T-Mobile SDG Platform)
0x26549812SDG RETURN HTTP 200 BUT DATA CAUSES SERVICE ERRORUnexpected network or system error (T-Mobile SDG Platform)
0x26559813ECE CONNECTION ERRORUnexpected network or system error (T-Mobile SDG Platform)
0x265B9819ECE INTERNAL ERROROther internal error (T-Mobile SDG Platform)
0x265D9821TAGGING ERRORTagging error (T-Mobile SDG Platform)
0x26679831SHORT CODE VERIFICATION ERRORShort code verification error - comparation fail with ENUM server response (T-Mobile SDG Platform)
0x26689832ENUM SERVER CONNECTION ERROR EXCEPTIONENUM server connection error (T-Mobile SDG Platform)
0x26699833ENUM SERVER IP ADDRESS CONFIGURATION ERRORInit ENUM server error, e.g. ENUM server IP address configuration error (T-Mobile SDG Platform)