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Legacy Platform Tutorials

Mobit Passwords

If you need to reset your password, follow the below sequence to completion. If you are able to log in but simply wish to change your password, skip to Step 5 below.

1. Navigate to the login page


2. Click “Forgot Password?”

This link is located beneath the password field on the login page.

3. Enter your email address and/or mobile number

You can select the method by which you wish to receive your temporary password by clicking on the check boxes below the field for your email or mobile phone.

When entering your mobile number, be sure to follow the appropriate 10-digit format: 123-456-7890

4. Use temporary password to log in

You will receive this password via the method of your choice. If you receive your temporary password by SMS and are therefore unable to copy/paste it, be sure that you re-type it correctly into the password field.

This password is temporary for a reason. For security purposes, you should change it to something of your own selection as detailed below.

5. Click “MY INFO”

This link is located directly below your name in the upper-right hand corner of the MOBIT site.

6. Click “Change Password”

This link is not automatically selected under the “My Info” section, and therefore appears as grayed-out text. It is a subtab located to the right of “Contact Information”

7. Fill in the fields

The three fields: Current Password (this is your temporary password if you’ve gone through the steps to reset it), New Password and Confirm New Password must all be filled in in order for you to proceed successfully.

8. Save

Be sure to hit the gray “Save Changes” button located at the bottom. Otherwise, this new password will not stick.

Mobit Auto-Replies

1. Log into Mobit


2. Click on “KEYWORDS”

The KEYWORDS tab is located between the SPACES and CONTENT tabs in the turquoise bar near the top of the screen.

3. Select “Create Keyword”

This option is in gray text and underlined in the white horizontal bar below the turquoise one, to the right of “My Keywords.”

4. Enter your new keyword

You can toggle the options for your keyword here, or you can edit these options later by going to “My Keywords.”

Make HELP and STOP keywords first!

These keywords are required for all mobile campaigns, so be sure to create them before any others. For STOP, select “Opt-Out” from the “Keyword Type” (or “Keyword Action”) dropdown menu.

5. Check the “Enable Reply Text” checkbox

Again, HELP and STOP keywords must provide reply text. For more information about what is required in these message replies, please read more about Required P2P Auto-Responses here.