Aerialink v5 Admin User Guide (Early Release Version)
A comprehensive guide to the Aerialink Platform Portal v5 (Limited Launch).
The early release of the v5 portal enables users to view messages in the Activity Report and to send test SMS and MMS from the Send Message tool. These tools are meant for quick references with search criteria or troubleshooting purposes. More functionality is coming soon.
Account hierarchy supports three (3) levels:
- Parent
- Subaccount 1 (child)
- Subaccount 2 (grandchild)
Switch User
An account will display a left-hand navigation option named “Switch User” if the user profile belongs to a parent account with subaccounts. A parent account profile user may switch to any child or grandchild account, while a subaccount profile user has permission to switch to any of their own child (parent grandchild) accounts. When they add a new Subaccount 2, their account is inherently its parent. However, a subaccount profile user does not have permission to access their parent’s account, or any of that parent’s other child accounts.
User this feature to log into a sub account without the need for specific credentials.
NOTE: the account will take on the view and permissions of the user profile to which you switch.
Change Account
Please note that the ability to switch accounts will be visible to all Limited Launch v5 users, however the option will only be functional for parent accounts with active subaccounts. For other users, this feature will be non-functional.
Activity Report
The Activity Report allows users to view and filter message activity online with a limited set of properties, or download results in .csv format to view an expanded set of properties. Search timeframes have a maximum of up to ninety (90) days of transaction history within the v5 environment - meaning that accounts who migrated from v4 to v5 in the last ninety days will not have ninety days’ worth of history visible in the Activity Report.
The “Default Filter” will be applied automatically if no other filters are adjusted and the user simply presses “Search.” By this default, the following filters will be set:
- Message Types: “All Transaction Types”
- Connections: “All”
- Time Zone: “UTC”
- Start Date: Previous day beginning 00:00:00 UTC
- End Date: Current day ending 23:59:59
- Output Type: Screen
Beyond the default filter, users can adjust the filters to their specifications. Generally speaking, users can search the data by two methods:
Search by GUID
A “GUID” is a unique identifier for the transaction which is provided at the time the Aerialink gateway first processes the request. If you do not have a GUID, the transaction was not created on the Aerialink network. To search by GUID:
- Enter the message GUID.
- Select desired output. (“Screen” will display the results in the portal, while “Download” will trigger a CSV download.)
- Click the “Search” button.
Search by Message Type
“Message Type” refers to whether a message is SMS, MMS, outbound or inbound, or is an inbound delivery receipt (i.e. SMS MT, SMS MO, MMS MT, MMS MO, SMS DLR, MMS DLR respectively). To search by Message Type:
- Choose the desired type from the “Message Type” dropdown. Note that “All Types” is the default option and will return all traffic types within any other specified parameters.
- If you wish to return data related to only one source number, enter a “Source Number.” Note that if the message type is “MO,” the “source number” will be the end-user, not your Aerialink number.
- If you wish to return data related to only one destination number, enter a “Destination Number,” bearing in mind that if this an MO or DLR, your Aerialink number will be the destination.
- Select the desired date range. The default will be one day (the previous twenty-four hours).
- Select desired output. (“Screen” will display the results in the portal, while “Download” will trigger a CSV download which supports a maximum of 80k records. For larger transaction history records, please submit a ticket to the Aerialink Help Desk.)
- If you wish to start over and reset the search criteria, click “Reset,” otherwise, click the “Search” button to execute the search.
Activity Report Output: “Screen”
The Activity Report is a wealth of information. Each record in the screen results displays a limited set of properties, and can be expanded on-click to reveal additional data. The up/down arrows at the top-left of hte results will expand or collapse all record on the page simultaneously.
If the chosen output is “screen,” the results will be returned online in the portal itself, and will display the following information:
Parameter | Definition |
Message GUID | messageGUID The Globally Unique Identifier for a specific message |
Message Type | Indicates whether a message is SMS, MMS or DLR, as well as directionality (inbound or outbound) |
Message | The text body of the message. Note that DCS value may impact maximum character limit. Messages exceeding the carrier limit will be concatenated. |
Account GUID | The globally unique identifier for the account (or subaccount) to which the record is tied |
Connection ID | The sequential identifier for a connection |
Campaign ID | Only relevant to long codes, this reflects the 10DLC campaignID registered with the mobile carriers and the Campaign Registry. |
Source | The originating number for a message |
Destination | The intended recipient of a message |
Status | SUCCESS - Appears under one of the following conditions: (1) MT (w DLR requested) received by upstream provider for processing. Expect status change when DLR received. (2) MT (w no DLR requested) received by upstream provider for processing. Final Status. (3) MO or DLR successfully forwarded to customer endpoint. Final Status. DELIVRD - Appears under one of the following conditions: (1) toll-free or short code MT received by handset (2) 10DLC MT received by network [e.g. 3EC, 000] INCOMPLETE - Transaction processing did not complete [e.g. 100, 999] UNDELIV - 10DLC MT failure, no retry. [e.g. 00B] FAILED - toll-free MT failure, no retry [e.g. 3ED, 44F, 45C, 456, 4B6] REJECTED - Appears under one of the following conditions: (1) 10DLC MT rejection. [e.g. 00B, 068, 504, 045, 015] (2) toll-free MT rejection [e.g. 3F5, 3F7]* EXPIRED - MT expired toward internal routing endpoint [e.g. 999] |
Submitted | completed A timestamp indicating that a message has completed its initial journey on the Aerialink side and has been forwarded to the delivery hub. |
* or any number type toward internal routing endpoint [999]
Activity Report Output: CSV
Here are some helpful definitions which should assist you in deciphering the full wealth of parameters visible in the .csv version of the Activity Report. Note that any parameters included in the metadata are marked with “*.”
Parameter | Definition |
addr_npi* | “Numbering Plan Indicator” specifies the numbering standard a code is following. |
addr_ton* | “Type of Numbering” indicates how a code’s prefix is formatted for international messaging. |
audit | The timestamp at which the transaction creation request is first logged in the Aerialink database and the moment the “audit” of message creation begins. |
auditRecordResult | The timestamp at which the “audit” For the message’s creation is closed after it reaches the “completed” state. |
campaignID* | Only relevant to long codes, this reflects the 10DLC campaignID registered with the mobile carriers and the Campaign Registry. completed A timestamp indicating that a message has completed its initial journey on the Aerialink side and has been forwarded to the delivery hub. |
connectionGUID | The Globally Unique Identifier for a connection |
connectionName | The friendly name for a connection |
countryCode | +1 indicates the North American Numbering Plan (U.S., Canada and associated territories). Long number s not starting with 1 are international. |
countryName | The name of the country in which the destination number is registered. |
created | A timestamp indicating a message has been created within the Aerialink database and assigned a messageGUID. |
dcs* | The Data Coding Scheme indicates which character set encoding is used for the message. |
destination | The intended recipient of a message |
dlrs | The number of DLRs returned for a message record. Note that multi-part messages may return one DLR per segment, but it is not guaranteed. |
dlrErrCode | A numerical error code which, in conjunction with the dlrStatus, describes the ultimate results of the message send attempt for which the DLR has been provided. |
dlrStatus | The status title associated with the provided dlrErrCode, which describes the ultimate results of the message send attempt for which the DLR has been returned. |
esmClass* | The esmClass has some overlap with DCS in meaning, but most commonly indicates Message Type, and whether a message is concatenated. |
failures | A count of any failure statuses tied to the message’s record. |
latency | Indicates any latency in message creation in milliseconds |
latencySend | Indicates any latency in message processing in milliseconds |
latencySuccess | Indicates any latency in message completion in milliseconds |
latencyDLRForward | Indicates any latency in DLR forwarding in milliseconds |
messageGUID | The Globally Unique Identifier for a specific message |
messageMetadata | Contains additional details such as campaignID, DCS value, esmClass, mode, MMS information and more. Metadata parameters are included in this table and are indicated with an asterisk. |
messageText | The text body of the message. Note that DCS value may impact maximum character limit. Messages exceeding the carrier limit will be concatenated. |
messageType | Indicates whether a message is SMS, MMS or DLR, as well as directionality (inbound or outbound) |
mmsURL* | The URL address for a multimedia (MMS) attachment |
mnoStatus* | Indicates the status of the code with AT&T and T-Mobile’s 10DLC publishing systems |
numberOperatorID | The industry identifier for the destination number’s service provider |
optionalParams* | Parameters located in the metadata which are associated with some – but not all – use cases, such as those specific to MMS. |
processed | A timestamp indicating a message has moved from creation and has also completed processing. |
redeliver | Indicates whether a message was rejected by the carrier and redelivered |
registeredDelivery | Defaults to “0,” meaning that a DLR is not requested automatically. If set to “1,” a DLR is requested. |
remoteIP* | The source IP for an API request made to Aerialink v5 |
result | Provides an integer associated with an overall result status. |
resultHuman | Provides the English label tied to the “result” integer. |
retries | The number of retry attempts (if applicable) |
routed | Indicates success (1) or failure (0) of the routing attempt for the message. |
segmentNumber* | Indicates the position of a segment within a concatenated, multipart message sequence, with “1” being the first segment and each other following sequentially. Note that for single-part messages with only 1 segment in total, the segmentNumber will the “0.” |
source | The originating number for a message |
status | Indicates the current status of the message as one of the following: -6 (“Blocked”) -7 (“Unhandled”) -8 (“Invalid”) -10 (“Too Long”) -14 (“Rejected”) -17 (“Spam Blocked”) -18 (“Spam Error”) 1 (“Delivered”) 2 (“DLR Forwarded”) 3 (“Delivered”) Other (“Undelivered”) |
statusHuman | Gives the label associated with the numerical “status.” |
systemID* | Username for SMPP connection |
successes | A count of how many success statuses are tied to the message’s record. |
totalSegments* | Defaults to “1” for single-segment messages. For concatenated (multi-segment) messages, this will assist in stitching messages back together in the correct order. |
type | As mentioned in the “Search by Message Type” instructions, this indicates whether a message is inbound or outbound SMS, MMS or DLR. |
Send Message
The “Send Message” tool allows users to send an outbound SMS or MMS from an Aerialink number provisioned to their account to a valid destination number.
Note: Including the word “Test” or the name of a Mobile Network Operator (e.g. “AT&T,” “T-Mobile,” etc) in your message content is not advised and is likely to result in blocking by the carriers.
To send a test message:
- Enter an Aerialink number on your account in the “From” field.
- In the “To” field, enter a valid destination number.
- If you wish to request DLR (delivery receipt), check the “Request delivery receipt” box. Note that these are given by carriers as a courtesy and, while often returned, are not guaranteed.
- The “Message” field should contain the SMS or MMS text content.
- Click “Send.”
- If sent successfully, the result indicator, “Message Sent” will appear, along with a direct GUID link to the message-in-progress, which you can view in the Activity Report.