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Location Services

Registering Mobile Numbers

For testing purposes, you will simply need to have your mobile users pre-register their phones by opting-in via SMS. The test phones must be connected to the mobile network associated with the mobile plan (example, a phone subscribed to Sprint, but be on a Sprint Cellular Network and not roaming on a different Operator’s network. The supported Operators include:

AT&T Wireless, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, Virgin Mobile, Boost, Cricket

1. Opt-In Whitelisting

  1. Text the keyword GEO to 77039.
  2. You will receive a text message asking you to confirm the opt in by texting YESGEO in confirmation.

    Aerialink GEO: To enable location services, reply YESGEO to join. 1 msg/query. HELPGEO for help and terms. STOPGEO to cancel. Msg&Data rates may apply.

  3. Text YESGEO to 77039.

  4. You will then receive a text message confirming your registration.

    Aerialink GEO: Your mobile phone is now locatable. Service automatically expires in 30 days. HELPGEO for help or STOPGEO to cancel

  5. The user will be registered/locatable for 30 days, after that the location service expires for demo/test accounts.

2. Opt-Out

  1. Text the keyword STOPGEO to 77039.
  2. You will receive a text confirming that you have unsubscribed.

    Aerialink GEO: You are unsubscribed from GEO. No more messages will be sent & your mobile will no longer be locatable.

Another method of Opt-out: Aerialink’s Location Test/Demo service automatically unsubscribes a mobile user 30 days after they opt-in.

Locating Mobile Devices

Use Aerialink Portal to send a location query (aka location ping) to a registered mobile phone and receive the X, Y coordinates (aka location fix).

If you are testing via an external application with our REST API Locations Resource, refer to the API documentation.

Log into the Aerialink platform using the user name (email) and password provided in the email you received from Aerialink Support for the provisioning of your account.

2. Update User Profile

Navigate to User Profile and set your time zone. Skip this step if you have already done this.

3. Submit Location Query

Navigate to DEVELOP, then select CONSOLE

Select the following:

If the parameter value is “true,” go to Activity Report to get the location.

4. Review Location Fix



If the Locations request returns “false,” the service is unable to acquire a location at this time.

Any of the following factors could contribute to a “false” result:

  • Mobile roaming on a different carrier network
  • Mobile powered off
  • Low mobile signal strength
  • Mobile is iPhone 5 on AT&T LTE*
  • Mobile number belongs to a fixed line rather than a wireless device.
  • Mobile operator may not support location services

To mitigate these issues, try the following troubleshooting tactics:

  • Change location request methods and resubmit
  • Ensure the mobile number has been entered correctly: country code 1, 10 digit number following.
  • Perform a Numbers lookup in the Console to verify that the number is wireless rather than a fixed line.
  • Perform a Numbers lookup in the Console to verify that the mobile operator supports location services.
  • Review Location Accuracy Variables in the PLAN module of the Portal.

*AT&T is currently working to resolve this known issue.