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Compliance Fees

These fees are set and enforced by the carriers to be charged in the event of non-compliance with their standards. For more information about content provider responsibilities and carrier expectations, read A2P Regulations & Conduct with special attention to the Carrier Codes of Conduct.

T-Mobile Non-Compliance Fees

All below fees are pass-through fees from T-Mobile. You can find the T-Mobile Code of Conduct on our A2P Regulations & Conduct page.

InfractionCharge EventFee
Text Enablement before ApprovalT-Mobile receives a complaint about traffic sent from a long code prior to full approval of that code’s program.$10,000
Grey RouteA2P messages routed as P2P after 10DLC is launched.$10 per message sent by grey route.
10DLC Compliance EvasionEvasion techniques (e.g. snowshoeing, unauthorized number replacement, dynamic routing) discovered.$1,000
Content ViolationMessages sent in violation of code of conduct (e.g. SHAFT violations, spam or phishing or Sev 0 CTIA violations).$10,000